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Meditation and Yoga Retreat led by one of NZ's most experienced teachers. An epic setting on the shores of Lake Hawea. 4.5 days of learning, immersion and the gift of ease. Treat yourself.
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26/3/2025 - 30/3/2025

Join one of NZ’s most experienced teachers at this upcoming Meditation and Yoga Retreat in the epic setting of Lake Hawea.

The dramatic mountain lake background is the spacious backdrop for this immersive meditation learning experience. Right on the lakeshore surrounded by acres of trees, gardens and big sky, this is the perfect place for a destination retreat. This is a non-residential retreat where participants have the flexibility to find their own accommodation, coming together each day in this one of a kind setting, for learning and practice. Accommodation is available on-site for those that would like it.

4.5 days of inspiring practice, setting a new direction for yourself. Led by Susan Allen, practitioner and meditation teacher for the last 22 years.

The Buddhist meditation practices and discussion will have a particular emphasis on cultivating quietness and steadiness in the mind as well as cultivating insights that bring freedom and peace of mind into our everyday life. 

The primary offerings on this retreat are: 
1. Attention training practices specifically to quieten the busy mind; this cultivates tranquility and stability of mind. 
2. Insight practices that liberate the mind from conditioning. Our habitual reactive emotional states decline, we feel more connected to others and we begin to operate more from a spacious awareness rather than from the obsession with thought.
3. Quiet time to nourish and gain inspiration on a path forward. 

This will be a life-changing experience guaranteed. We hope you will join us. Please get in contact if you have any questions or would like to have a chat about the retreat content.

Thank you.
Susan Allen