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The ideal playground for kayak, white water, body boarding and surfing enthusiasts, the Hāwea Whitewater Park was purpose built on the Hāwea River at Camphill Bridge in 2012.

A huge amount of enjoyment, but not for the faint-hearted or the beginner, the Hāwea Wave is an exhilarating ride for the adventurous. Free to use, the wave includes two drop features of different levels. The smaller top wave is bouncy and soft, a huge amount of fun for shorter boats and boards being easier to side surf, perform spins and tricks. Longer kayaks may find a couple of spots a bit trickier.

The bottom wave is bigger, steeper, with a whole lot more power! Think super springy.  A faster, wicked ride, the bottom wave is for the elite and there’s more than enough surge to go wild in there. Significant kayaking experience is required for this one – it can get scary! But what a ride and totally worth it!

Camphill Road, Hāwea Flat 9382, New Zealand Get Directions
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