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To Love Wānaka means that you value being conscious about the decisions you make and how they impact this place, now and into the future.

Love Wānaka – Community Fund

The Queenstown Lakes is taking action to what is shaping up to be the great challenge of our time, committing to an ambitious goal to reach carbon zero by 2030 and a regenerative visitor economy.  With many businesses already showing leadership in sustainability, the next step is for the entire destination to go beyond reducing environmental impacts and begin to restore, repair and regenerate natural systems.  

Together Lake Wānaka Tourism and Destination Queenstown have established the giving platforms Love Wānaka//Love Queenstown, which officially launched April 4 2023.  

Love Wānaka raises funds to support localised climate, conservation, and biodiversity action and provides an opportunity for visitors to engage in and get involved with our communities’ efforts to protect and preserve our environment (te taiao), the treasures (taoka) it holds, and the people who call it home (our whanau). Through donations, investment, and volunteer time, Love Wānaka gives all those who visit the opportunity to actively protect and regenerate our rohe (region),  accelerating the shift to a regenerative, carbon-zero future.

Mountain landscape with grey and green tones on a misty day.
Love Wanaka green logo

Love Wānaka – Supporting Local

LoveWanaka Supporting Local was born out of a need to unite as a community and rally behind businesses in a changed world, faced with Covid-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions.    

Now that borders are open this “go local” approach to doing business is a key part of our destination messaging. Encouraging visitors and the people who live here to support local business owners and buy local products will help us move to a more circular economy. 

By supporting local, economic value remains in the community, we strengthen our local food systems, reduce carbon-intensive activities, and help to cultivate a sense of local pride and togetherness.

Two workers in a food and coffee truck
Love Wanaka red logo

The initiatives that sit under Love Wānaka reflect what it means to love this place, and what steps you can take to show your care and commitment to it, both as a visitor and as a business. 

You’ll continue to see Love Wānaka – Support Local, and Love Wānaka – Community Fund sit alongside each other. These initiatives are a way of engaging our visitors in conversations about how to minimize their impacts, to hero the mahi (work) of our business and non-profit community, and to inspire a more thoughtful and considered approach to travel. 

Click here to find out how your business can get behind the Love Wānaka Community Fund or reach out and email us if you would like any Love Wānaka Supporting Local assets to display in your premises.