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Information on the population of the area, the lakes and rivers and tourism statistics.

Wānaka population: 7,521
Albertown: 2,031
Lake Hāwea: 1,200
Upper Clutha Valley: 1,257
Cardrona: 633

For more census information go to Statistics New Zealand.

For information on accommodation from June 2020 try the MBIE website Accommodation Data Programme and for monthly tourism spend the Monthly Regional Tourism Estimates

Lake Wānaka:
311 m deep
277m above sea level
45.4km long
4th largest lake in New Zealand

Lake Hāwea:
393m deep
342m above sea level
35km long

CluthaRiver/Mata Au:
575m3/sec average annual flow rate
338km long
South Island’s longest river
Average water temperature 8.9°C – 20.0°C

Mount Aspiring 3,033 m
Mount Roy 1,578 m
Mount Iron 740 m
Treble Cone 2,058 m
Black Peak 2,289 m

Lake Wānaka Tourism is not resourced to assist with school or university assignments by answering individual assignments, providing comment on specific questions or opinion pieces on your assignment topics. The statistics and links on this page have been provided here to assist you with your research.

Users should note that these statistics are indicative only and are based on a variety of sources that employ different methodologies and survey populations. As surveying all visitors at any given time is impractical, most figures are derived from weighted samples. Figures are subject to rounding.